A Moment with your Grief
This is a gift box of 10 white roses sent as a flower letter box delivery to someone you want to help in their time of grief.
Grief is not a thing or even a feeling, it is a process a continuum of emotions that unflolds at its own pace. We don't know in advance how much time it will take, and no one can tell us."
- Tenku Ruff -
I always try to see what is happening in my my life as the four seasons, and I see grief in the same way. Grief can sometimes take you straight into winter, not providing you a chance to have things fall away like autumn would have you do.

There is an element of spring as you begin to lift your head up to catch your breath. As summer arrives you may find the energy to reflect differently on what has taken place.
You must remember that the process of grief does not progress smoothly from one stage to the next, you may find sudden changes and movement in different directions as you cycle through the seasons again, not necessarily starting at winter.
How we choose to conduct our relationship with grief leads us to the heart of our loss.
The White Rose is the perfect flower to help you through difficult times, the energetic property helps to clear low moods and negative energy reminding us to carry love around in our hearts in place of the wounds.
White Roses have the healing energy of purification, bringing you peace of the heart and mind, aiding you into a gentle transition into a new chapter in your life without your loved ones or any situation that has caused you to greive. Grief can be because of a loved
I will help you move gently through this transition, releasing any negativity that surrounds you, cleansing it away, leaving your mind, body and soul ready to take some well-deserved rest.
I am the perfect flower to help you through difficult times, cleansing, purifying and comforting you

Your gift box contains:
10 luxury White Roses with some foliage, wrapped in a gift box.
1 instruction sheet on how to arrange your flowers, (creating a flower therapuetic moment).
1 instruction sheet on "A Moment with Your Loss" (an invitation with information on how to make the most of the time the person receiving the flowers has put aside for themself on receiving the flowers).
Price £45.00