A Valentine's Soul Connection

Therapeutic Flower Arranging 

Date:  Saturday 10th Feb - 2pm - 5pm  (GMT)
Sunflower Centre, The Sunflower Centre, 81 Tressillian Rd, London SE4 1XZ
Price:  £65.00

Sign up early to receive a bonus of connecting with your
heart following the intermittent phases of the moon as you 
arrive at the new moon on the 10th February.  We'll move
through the phase of gratitude, forgiveness, and surrender
as our hearts become full and ready to overflow to begin 
our day.


When February arrives, love fills the air.  

This time of year can bring great expectations around love and what should be received, especially when in a relationship.  

Everyone has their definition of love.  What is the meaning of love for you?

I invite you to come along to this Valentine's Soul Connection, where you can spend some time relaxing, unwinding and filling yourself up with some love, whilst  immersing yourself in the therapeutic energy of flowers, that convery messages around love.

You'll allow yourself to let go of expectations with a little meditation, flower connection, and to be in the flow of creation.  With like minded women you will create a flower arrangement in the form of a  letter of love to yourself or someone you love with the language of flowers to convey your message.  

In life you can spend a lot of time giving love to others and not enough time filling up our own cup and indulging in some self-love.  You may pamper yourself which can be a reflection of your outer world but sometimes this does not filter through to your inner world.   This mini retreat will give you the opportunity to allow yourself some time out to connect to a new or forgotten part of you.

The space created is for you to take time out to connect with yourself, you don't have to be a lover of flowers, or to have any floristry skills to be able to join, everything that you need will be provided for you and anything that you need to learn will be facilitated by, Yvette Munasinghe (The Spiritual Flower Lady).   

If you have a love for flowers, they occasionally catch your eye, you enjoy being creative, want to relax and unwind or just  want to step away from your usual routine to try something new, this mini retreat is for you to indulge in a therapeutic flower arranging workshop, some meditation and sit in the element of circle to end your day. 
No experience is necessary.

It is a chance for mother nature to connect with you, for you to be held in the element of circle, and to allow the loving energy of flowers to fall into your world to aid you in your well-being, so you begin to see flowers through different eyes.


I call my flower workshops Flower Therapy, because it is a space created for you to relax and unwind and connect with your inner self, for you to become present in your mind, whilst absorbing all the therapeutic healing energy flowers offer for your mental state of mind and well-being. 

It's time created where I encourage you to tap into your creativity opening your sacral chakra, (the energy within your lower stomach) where you will begin to feel your dynamics stimulated and the energy start to flow. 

It's space created for you to feel the fire inside of you begin to ignite as you connect to a part of you (your solar plexus, the upper part of your stomach) that allows your inner flame to burn setting fire to your uniqueness,  your self-confidence, and boosting your self-esteem.  Allowing your energy to begin to radiate throughout you as you set the intention for your creation. `

It's space for you not to worry about tomorrow, the past, or what is currently taking place in life, it's a gift to yourself of being present in your mind and body, as you gather all aspects yourself for some creativity.


Yvette Munasinghe - The Spiritual Flower Lady

As a Space Holder and Facilitator, I love implementing the element of Circle within my workshops entwining your uniqueness with the energy of the flowers.  It's a beautiful way to end our time together as we reflect on what took place during your connection with yourself and with the flowers.

The hours you spend being held in the space make you feel like you have attended a mini retreat, created just for you to express yourself through your creativity as you develop a connection with nature.  It is a container for you to gather with other women to be held in a supportive energy to feel rooted and anchored, to step out of survival mode, and to become present, rooted in love with no judgement and with the freedom to express yourself. 

Our time together in is a  combination of space holding and physical energetic creation, a place for you to chanel your energy into an art form as self expression and release, held by me, doing what I love most; teaching people how to create something with flowers, to feel their energy, whilst deepening a connection with themselves and Mother Nature.