The Power of Flowers Healer Certification

Have you ever thought that there was something more to flowers than what you can see with your eyes?

If you answered yes, you are not wrong.  There definitely is.  This was my thought a few years ago, shortly after I had begun working with flowers for a living.  I began to feel that there was something much more to them than what met my eyes, there was an energy there that was drawing me in.

I truly discovered this when I looked deeply into a Ranuculus, this is when I felt it, there was an energy of strength, with a delicateness in its appearance and I began to receive the energetic properties that it had to give and understand why I was drawn to it.  From this point I was open to receiving all that the flowers had to offer me.

The energy of flowers is combined with the spirits of nature and the angels that are connected to them, delivering us the messages we need to receive from their healing energy in different ways.  We are all unique and our connection, can be through their colour, the chakras they are connected to, the angels associated with them or simply by the meaning it has.

The one objective the flower kingdom has for us is to make the connection with them, which will in turn bring us to a deeper connection of understanding with ourselves.

Flowers are like doorways; they are the opening so that angels and the healing energies of flowers can step through into your life.  We all have the power of free will., before receiving any help, we need you to give permission for them to help and be open to receiving their help.

Plants and flowers are living beings just like we are.  Our connection to them is like an invisible web connecting above ground, similar to the Mycelium network deep underground beneath our feet.  They attract the pollinators with their frequencies and vibrations just as we do in trying to attract people into our lives.. 

Creating The Power of Flowers Programme has given me the opportunity to share with you, all the wisdom and healing information I have gained over the past years with the expansion and growth I have gone through along my flower journey. 

The programme is currently an online one-to-one Programme.  I enjoy teaching face to face as it gives me the opportunity to connect with you directly and gives you the opportuity to ask questions as you go along.  I enjoy feeling and seeing the energy of people that I am connecting to, as this Programme will create a vibrational flower bond between us. 

One of the things I have discovered about myself during my time of learning about the healing energy of flowers is that I enjoy teaching about it.   There is a joy I get from encouraging people to reconnect with one of nature’s most beautiful gifts.  Teaching people all about the Power of Flowers, how to create flower arrangements and watching as each person opens up and taps into their abilities.  Seeing each person open up their creativity and igniting that fire within.  It gives me so much pleasure to see the transformation in someone's face as they achieve doing something new and having taken time out to reconnect to themselves.

My Soul’s purpose is to help people see flowers through different eyes, eyes that do not see the beauty alone but the loving energy behind each flower, opening them up to a deeper connection to flowers, themselves and Mother Nature.  This is done through the workshops and programmes I have created.  As you move through this programme you will discover an awakening within you to what you have felt has always been there.  I encourageyou to explore your own abilities and to tune into your intuition.

During our time together, you will learn about flowers that can help you move through different stages and situations in your life.  Flowers that can bring you love, joy, abundance, raise your vibration and clear away negativity.  One of the wonderful things about doing this Programme is that there will be meditations and healing along the way as you move through the modules and learn about how to use the flowers. 

There will be 10 modules for you to work through which we will do together, working one-to-one on a live call.   Each module will be recorded.

I will teach you how to connect with the flowers and the angels they are connected to and we will also take a look at the chakras associated with each flower.  As we are all individual and unique this programme is tailored to you, for what you are looking to get from it.  It’s for you to blossom and create your own unique way of working with the Power of Flowers.  At the end of the Programme, you will be using the knowledge that I have shared with you and you will also be bringing in your own hidden tools and any other modalities you work with and that has opened up during the 10 weeks we have been working together..

We will be speaking about your superpowers, your psychic senses and how to tap into them.  You will work on flower readings and how to give them, look at guidelines on how to do flower healings, how to run flower workshops and a few different types of flower arrangements.  Through a meditation, I will show you how to channel the energy of the flowers through your hands.

This is a 10/13 week programme depending on which programmes you want to complete (full information can be found below).

If you would like to know if this programme is for you, I invite you contact me to have a chat about any questions you may have and to see if it is suitable for you.

If flowers intrigue you and you feel there is something more to them than what you see with your eyes, I welcome you to join me in helping you along your flower journey.
This is what one of my students had to say from being on the Programme.

"I have kept postponing writing a review on The Power of Flowers Healer Programme, because I have learned so many insights and techniques that I didn't know where to start and what to highlight. I wanted to share all of the lessons that I have learned, but I guess that is not the point. The thing that really matters for anyone considering working with her is that Yvette's class is really worth taking because the insights you'll gain far exceed the mere knowledge of the influence that flowers have on our lives. The programme allows you to explore your own abilities and intuition and grow your self-esteem and self-knowledge throughout the course's duration, just like a flower needs to take its time to fully bloom. Yvette's programme is well-structured and easy to follow. She is so full of joy, warmth, and empathy and genuinely loves doing what she does, which is transmitted to her students. By working with Yvette, I learned many things about myself, which I didn't know before, like that I love plants more than flowers and that my intuition is talking to me in so many ways that I had been ignoring for a long time, but don't any more thanks to Yvette. Thus taking the Power of Flowers Healer course is not just for those who plan to professionally work in that field of expertise, but for anyone who wants to invest in themselves and who wants to explore the power of healing in another form, taught by a wonderful, patient and caring teacher."

If you would like to do the programme, please contact me to enrol.  The Programme will begin again in March 2021.

"Flowers are food for the soul"
The Spiritual Flower Lady