During these uncertain times, we are all facing. It can feel a little lonely and isolated.
Zoom parties have been a great way for people to connect with friends and family, it has given people a chance to come together.
I will be hosting a Zoom Party delivering intuitive readings which will can bring you guidance, clarity and even messages from loved ones.
Along with the messages you receive you will also learn about the energy of flowers and the message that each flower has for you.
There are a few options to choose from in having a reading with me through Zoom,
one way is joining me on
In a Group Zoom Party
Where you can meet up with like-minded people, in an open group brought together by me.
The other way is to have me join your own Zoom party, where I will provide you and your guests with readings as part of your entertainment.
I have discounted the prices for the Zoom parties, allowing us, to still be able to find ways to escape the chaos we all may feel every now and again.
Full details on each one are detailed at the end of this page.
You can book me for an online zoom party, group meetings, gatherings with work colleagues or friends and family.
A little something about flowers:
Have you ever walked by a flower and it caught your eye?
What was it about that flower that made you stop and stare or glance back at it?
Was it the colour? The scent? Or the way it looked?
Whether we realise it or not flowers have a way with connecting with you. It could be just by looking at them, or by the way they smell. They can spark off a sense of nostalgia, inciting an emotion within you connecting you to your past.
Through their messages, flowers can guide you, asking you to bring more fun into your life, love, joy and happiness. They can bring you abundance and hope.
Flower energy can be fun, uplifting and beneficial to us, when we chose to let go, relax and enjoy the beautiful energy that they offer us.
It is amazing how many loved ones connect with us through flowers.
There are many people who I have read for who have discover, that a flower that they have been seeing, has been a loved one using a flower to try to get their attention to letting them know they are still near them.
- Here are a couple of comments from people who have joined me in group readings -
"I specifically said to myself... I would like to hear from my mum".
While she was dying I asked her to let me know if there is something beyond." Thank you Yvette for delivering her message to me.
"After our house fire, I came across a bleeding heart bush and it was amazing and made me cry!!! And 5 years later you are now making sense of it."
A little about your host - Yvette Munasinghe
The Spiritual Flower Lady, a Flower Therapist and Intuitive Flower Healer and Oracle card reader, works with the energy of flowers in all that she does and intuitively shares their messages of guidance and love with her psychic gifts.
Through Flower Therapy Workshops, Flower Healing and Guidance she helps women who have felt a sense of loss with their identity or who are looking for a sense of direction, reconnect to themselves to reignite a passion they once had and relight a fire that burns within.
Yvette's soul purpose is to help people heal from within by sharing the power of flowers in all that she does, so they reconnect with themselves, see Mother Nature and the beauty of flowers with different eyes.
Group Zoom Reading
Price - £5.00 per person
We will meet up on Zoom for some flower fun.
Join like-minded people to receive your message of guidance from the spirit of the flowers. During our time together you’ll get to know the energy of the flowers that come up in the group, how you can connect with them and find out what message of guidance a particular flower has for you as well as the others in the group.
There are times that the messages I have received are beneficial for other people to hear as well. So not only will you receive your message, something that comes up for someone else may be what you needed to hear as well.
The session will be just over an hour for a group of 10 people. If you have joined me on Facebook when I do my readings, you'll know that not everyone gets a chance to receive a reading. This way in a closed group, it will give everyone a chance to receive a message with some detail.
The session will be held in Zoom. A link to the zoom session along with the password will be sent out to you on the day of the event.
Private Zoom Party
£15 per person
You adivse of your date and time.
Are you having a Zoom Party?
If you're having a private party for you and your friends or family to get together for some fun. Why not have a little extra entertainment to make it even more of a memorable occasion.
You can meet up on Zoom and have a glass or two of what you need to wet your appetite to get your party going.
Whilst you and your guests are having fun, I will bring in a little flower magic with the energy of the flowers.
In your private party, I will deliver a group reading for you and your guests, sharing with you flowers and the messages they have or, I can do individual readings for each of your party guests.
The Flower Kingdom has so much to offer us with its beauty and the lovely gifts that nature brings.
Further details provided upon booking.
Arrange your booking by filling out the contact form below.
A Zoom Party for 2
£25.00 per person
You advise of date and time.
Haven't had a chance to meet up with your partner? Or are you feeling to just have a romantic reading for two?
With a private booking for yourself and your partner, I will create a relaxing atmosphere with you both in mind, as I deliver your messages for you.
Your session will be a three card reading around your relationship or what you feel you both need in your lives right now.
In our Zoom session I will teach you about the connection and energy of flowers and what part they can play in your relationship.
This Zoom Session will be recorded for you to revisit at your leisure.
Date, Time and date to be scheduled upon booking.
To arrange your session fill out the contact form below.